Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the move: during and after


Sunday morning, the day before our move:
Took carloads of decorations, pictures, mirrors, and other breakables to the new house.

Got a call from Budget truck rentals, said another customer's truck broke down in Arizona and they had to give our big truck away, so we no longer had a truck reserved. And they left it at that.

Brent called them back, put them in their place and told them to find us another big truck.

 Got another call that the baseboards that were to be installed on moving day had been discontinued so the guys wouldn't be coming. Which meant our second choice for baseboards would be installed after we moved in.

That night I had a church activity, so Brent went to the new house with J to meet a very not-punctual Direct TV guy to hook up our house. Because of the tech's tardiness, Brent talked him into hooking up more rooms in our house for no extra charge.

Talk about a day of frustrations. We went to bed hoping moving day would actually happen.


Monday, moving day.
Took J to co-op (a babysitting group), moved more stuff to the new house and prepared for our move that night.

Brent figured things out with our moving truck and we ended up with a smaller truck but it had a ramp.  Phew.

After lunch and J's nap we grabbed pizza and dropped him off at friend Brandi's house -- she had arranged for a babysitter to watch our kids so she and her husband could help us move. Now that's a true friend.

Moving time. Didn't have time to take pictures, sorry. Imagine several carloads, three truckloads, three pizzas, 20 powerades, and a dozen very-appreciated guys/girls/teens helping us load/unload, we were in our new house in four hours.

Brent and I set up J's room so he had a place to sleep that night, then I picked him up from Brandi's house and brought him home -- at our new home. Brent and I set up our bed and finally got to sleep.


I woke up to this the next morning:
A beautiful blue sky and gorgeous view of the mountains. You can't see the construction trucks passing behind our wall, but even still I was thrilled to be in my new house.

I took J to co-op again and the baseboard guys came and installed our second choice but still beautiful baseboard on our main floor:
A thick, simple baseboard with just a bullnose edge. We wanted to go with a more contemporary style instead of a traditional moulding. Plus, this will be easy to dust. 

When J woke up from his nap, I put him straight to work :)
 He loves playing with the vacuum. Maybe I should embrace it while I can.

The next several days were spend unpacking. Then Brent and our friends ran the Ragnar Race and I stayed at home with our kids. After Brent and our friends survived and returned from the race, I took the night off and partied with some gal friends. No kids allowed. :)


Sunday. I convinced Brent to help me set up our living room so we at least had one toy-free, box-free room to greet us when we walked in the house (since we're still going in the front door). Plus our Bishop from our church was coming to visit that evening, so that gave us motivation. Here's what we ended up with:

But let me assure you, the rest of my house doesn't look so clean. I'm constantly unpacking boxes and putting things away, but I have a long way to go. In fact, today (11.08.11) I took these pictures just to show you how ugly and lingering moving can be.

Dining room (the space behind the square Ikea bookcase above)
 Guest room
 Spare bedroom
The work has only just begun.


No Longer Newlyweds. said...

This is the first time I've seen the color in the day light...awesome.

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